A Message From the Trustees

The trustees wish to thank you for your past support in attending the annual services and contributing toward the maintenance of the church and cemetery.  Old Salem Shrine provides the community with an introduction to the social dynamics of the 1860’s and 1870’s when neighbors came together to give of their treasure to build this church, worship God, and celebrate and share their faith. 

The inspiration they inspired has endured, and we hope that it will continue with individuals, such as you, to provide the interest, support, and resources to sustain its future.

As a church without a congregation, funding for routine maintenance has accrued from the services and events held at Old Salem Shrine during the year. The potential for funding of more costly operating expenses poses a significant challenge.

Research of the history of Old Salem Shrine revealed that it survived two years of grasshopper plague, plummeting land values, widespread debt, and the territory literally emptied of money. Those living on the frontier experienced severe poverty. Today, we are experiencing a similar situation to the founding fathers in 1939 – but in 2020 it is a pandemic.

We need your help in volunteering and providing monetary support.

History shows that the frontiers were able to sustain this church during the hard times and wars, so it is our hope that through your contributions and volunteering we can continue to support Old Salem Shrine during this period of pandemic.

At the present time, primarily by the work of volunteers, the trustees have been able to maintain the property. There is a need to build a fund large enough to keep the grass mowed, the weeds pulled, and make needed repairs to the cemetery and the church building’s interior and exterior.

In previous years, funding for routine maintenance has accrued from the Founder’s Day and Epiphany services, plus occasional weddings, and baptisms.  This year, however, because of the COVID-19 regulations, we canceled these events and services.  We must look to you and the community for resources if Old Salem Shrine’s future is to be sustained.  It would be a shame to have this historical church unavailable for weddings, baptisms, and our annual services and open houses, since these events provide important opportunities for the community to know, experience, and appreciate our history. The trustees are anxious to improve the church building and cemetery property to continue to offer these opportunities to the community.

My hope for the church is that it remains a continuing legacy for future generations.” 

Jill Lewis, 2020

This article was published in the August 2020 issue of the newsletter.